ABOV 에서 나올 AC33M8128 엔지니어 셈플용 테스트 보드를 받았다.


아직 준비가 많이 필요 한것 같다.








Product features of AC33M8128 is below
* High Performance Low-power Cortex-M3 Core
* 128KB Code Flash Memory with Cache function
* 12KB SRAM
* 3-Phase PWM with ADC triggering function  ( 2 Channels )
* 1.5Msps high-speed ADC with sequential conversion  ( 3 Units with 16 Channel input )
* Built-in PGA(Programmable Gain Amplifier) for ADC inputs
     - 4 Channels 
             3 Channels for 3 shunt resistor configuration 
             1 Channel for 1 shunt resistor configuration
* Built-in Analog Comparator
     - 4 Channels
         3 Channels for 3 shunt resistor configuration
         1 Channel for 1 shunt resistor configuration
* System Fail-Safe function by Clock Monitoring
* XTAL OSC Fail monitoring
* Precision Internal Oscillator Clock (20MHz ±3%)
* Watchdog Timer 
* Six General Purpose Timers
* Quadrature Encoder Counter
* External communication ports: 4 UARTs, 2 I2Cs, 2 SPIs
* High current driving port for UART photo couplers
* Debug and Emergency stop function
* Real-time Monitoring function support for more effective development
* JTAG and SWD Debugger
* Various Memory size and Package options  ( MQFP-80, LQFP-64 )
* Industrial grade operating temperature (-40 ~ +105℃)

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