'공부 > 전자회로_부품' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Jtag isolator  (0) 2014.11.03
Usb to serial isolator  (0) 2014.10.02
USB to USB isolation 관련 자료  (0) 2014.10.02
RS-485 ESD/Surge 관련  (0) 2014.08.01

페라이트 코어 관련 대표 회사 TDK




























'공부 > 전자회로_전원' 카테고리의 다른 글

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AC EMI FILTER/ LINE FILTER 업체  (0) 2014.05.09
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참고 자료





'공부 > 전자회로_부품' 카테고리의 다른 글

Jtag isolator  (0) 2014.11.03
Usb to serial isolator 2  (0) 2014.10.21
USB to USB isolation 관련 자료  (0) 2014.10.02
RS-485 ESD/Surge 관련  (0) 2014.08.01
voltage to current  (0) 2014.08.01



ADI Makes USB Electrical Isolation Simple

Single-IC USB isolation.

Worried about using USB connected devices because they lack electrical isolation? Worry no more. Your life is about to get incredibly simpler. Analog Devices has answered your prayers with their new iCoupler ADuM4160 single chip USB isolation solution. Combine it with the ADuM5000 and isolate the power as well.

The ADuM4160 is the industry's first single-IC USB isolator that meets medical and industrial standards while replacing complex board level solutions. The ADuM4160 offers 5kV rms medical-grade isolation as well as upstream short-circuit protection.

The following circuit demonstrates how simple it is to create an isolated USB cable using the iCoupler solution. You could easily build this on your lab bench.

Building a USB isolator couldn't be much easier.

Current isolation methods incorporate ethernet, wireless, fiber optics and traditional optical isolators. These are good solutions, but they tend to be expensive if all you need is isolation. Ethernet, wireless and fiber optics are better suited for applications that require alternate or extended USB connections.

Analog Devices' budgetary pricing for the ADuM4160 is only $4.89 and a complete design requires just a few supporting cheap popcorn parts. Even if you want to add isolated power, the ADuM5000 only adds another $3.16. Analog Devices expects parts to be available August 14th. By this time next year, there will be a slew of low cost isolated cables and hubs on the market that use this technology.


'공부 > 전자회로_부품' 카테고리의 다른 글

Usb to serial isolator 2  (0) 2014.10.21
Usb to serial isolator  (0) 2014.10.02
RS-485 ESD/Surge 관련  (0) 2014.08.01
voltage to current  (0) 2014.08.01
저항 규격  (0) 2014.05.14


'생활 > 생활의일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

pop pop boat  (0) 2015.07.01
windows 설치용 USB 정품으로 만드는 사이트  (0) 2015.06.16
멋있는 로봇새  (0) 2014.09.05
다이어트 사이트  (0) 2014.06.18
전화 권유 판매 수신 거부 신청  (2) 2014.03.24

STM32용 코드생성기및 소스 모음





STM32Cube - Code generator/configurator and software libraries

Part Number Results (6): cube

Part Number Status Description
STM32CubeF0 Active Embedded software for STM32 F0 series (HAL low level drivers, USB, File system, RTOS, Touch Sensing - coming with examples running on ST boards)
STM32CubeF2 Active Embedded software for STM32 F2 series (HAL low level drivers, USB, TCP/IP, File system, RTOS, Graphic - coming with examples running on ST boards)
STM32CubeF3 Active Embedded software for STM32 F3 series (HAL low level drivers, USB, File system, RTOS, Touch Sensing, Graphic - coming with examples running on ST boards)
STM32CubeF4 Active Embedded software for STM32 F4 series (HAL low level drivers, USB, TCP/IP, File system, RTOS, Graphic - coming with examples running on ST boards)
STM32CubeL0 Active Embedded software for STM32 L0 series (HAL low level drivers, USB, File system, RTOS, Touch Sensing - coming with examples running on ST boards)
STM32CubeMX Active STM32Cube initialization code generator (UM1718)


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'생활 > 생활의일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

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저럼한 다트..  (0) 2014.03.04

ABOV 8051 계열의 MCU 들에 사용 하던 OCD-I/II 의 프로그램이 업그레이드 되었다.


가격대비 성능이 좋은 ABOV MCU의 유일한 단점이었던 디버깅의 불편함이


이번 업그레이드로 대폭 사라졌다.


그동안 가장 문제가 배열이나 구조체 디버거가 안되어서 트릭을 써서 확인해야 했고


자체 지원하는 디버거 프로그램이 무거워서 가끔 PC가 버벅거리는 문제도 있었다.


이번에 업그레이드 되면서 Keil plug-in 을 지원하는데


이로 인해 이런 문제가 한번에 해결되었다. KEIL 컴파일러에서 바로 하면 된다.






On-chip debugger program is for 8-bit MCUs what has a OCD1 and OCD2 block inside. This is a debugging software and support ABOV's M8051 series MCUs.

In order to use this software, OCD1/2 interface H/W is required. OCD2 uses two channel to download user's code, reads and modifies the internal memory and SFR(Special Function Register). So it can work even the MCU is attached on the target system. Besides, it can be run at MCU's maximum speed in OCD mode.


  • Supported M8051 core products.
  • MCU emulation control via 2-pin OCD interface. Two pins interface OCD clock and data.
  • Compact size and Cost effective emulator.
  • Emulation and debugging on the target system directly.
  • OCD2 used as an ISP (In System Programming) and real-time emulation.
  • OCD1 is used to debug 'MC93/95/96' products and OCD2 is used to debug 'MC97', MC93F5516, OCD1 supporting products.
  • Setup file includes KEIL plug-in debugger library. Please see details in OCD User guide.


Title File Name Type Language Version Issue Date Size Down
OCD S/W 32bit (include KEIL plug-in) Setup32_OCD2_debugger_V2.014.exe English 2.014 2014-08-12 6.28MB
OCD S/W 64bit (include KEIL plug-in) Setup64_OCD2_debugger_V2.014.exe English 2.014 2014-08-12 6.33MB
OCD User Guide ENG_DBG_OCD1-2_userGuide_V1.02.pdf English 1.02 2014-07-29 4.02MB
OCD User Guide CHN_DBG_OCD1-2_userGuide_V1.02.pdf Chinese 1.02 2014-07-29 4.05MB



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